Coastal Skipper Practical Course
This is an advanced skippering course
for experienced yachtsmen who have a good knowledge of navigation and seamanship, and who want to undertake coastal passages by day and by night.
You will plan and skipper a coastal passage and learn more about passage planning,
pilotage by day and by night, boat handling, and safety and emergency situations.
The course will be taken in tidal waters.
Please note that in order to obtain maximum benefit from this course you
should have a good knowledge of navigation and seamanship, to the standard of the
Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster theory course. Ideally, the theory course should be completed
beforehand. Alternatively, it can be taken along with this course as part of a two week,
combined theory and practical Coastal Skipper course.
Course contents include:
Passage planning
Preparation for sea
Pilotage by day and night
Passage making and ability as skipper
Rules of the road
Maintenance and repair work
Yacht handling under power
Yacht handling under sail
Man overboard recovery
Heavy weather conditions
Emergency situations

Links to our other Course Pages:
Practical Courses
Start Yachting Practical Course
Competent Crew Practical Course
Day Skipper Practical Course
Coastal Skipper Practical Course
Yacht master Exam Preparation Course
Passing your Yacht master Exam
Theory Courses